James Cook University

Our service

James Cook University Careers and Employability connects employers with JCU graduates and students. Whether you are recruiting graduates, hiring students for part-time or casual work, seeking volunteers or just raising your company’s profile with students, you can take advantage of our free services.

Contact details

Townsville Campus

Level 1, Library
James Cook Drive
Townsville, QLD, 4811
Phone: (07) 4781 4711
Email: careers@jcu.edu.au

Cairns Campus

Level 1, Library
McGregor Road
Smithfield, QLD, 4878
Phone: (07) 4232 1150
Email: careers@jcu.edu.au

Key Staff

Rosie Cummins

Careers Information Officer
Townsville Campus
Email: rosie.cummins@jcu.edu.au
Phone: (07) 4781 4088

Suzanne McIntyre

Careers Information Officer
Cairns Campus
Email: Suzanne.McIntyre@jcu.edu.au
Phone: (07) 4232 1049


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